Dreamline Seating
Brand: Dreamline Seating
Each individual has the right to have a seating system that can be adaptable and adjustable to meet their needs throughout the day. Designed to provide the highest level of adjustability, Dreamline Wheelchair Seating was created to allow therapists to build without restriction. The therapist has the ability to meet the end-users seating needs without compromising to fit into predetermined placements, shapes, or sizes.
With all of the Dreamline products, the end user is at the centre. We are constantly working to provide the end user with the most innovative and up-to-date products on the market. Every cushion, backrest and support accessory is designed to ensure that the end-user has the optimal outcome in both function and comfort, while ensuring the longevity of the product. We believe that every end-user has the right to the best products that meet their needs, and we strive every day to ensure those products are delivered to you.
Dreamline Wheelchair Seating is built robust using select materials which last, such as all stainless steel fasteners and aluminium/stainless steel components. Flame-resistant materials have been used and the seating has passed crash testing using different configurations, with excellent pass results.
Please see the full catalogue under the 'Brochures' tab for full details.